HPE accélère l'innovation en termes d'intelligence artificielle avec une solution pour les entreprises pour gérer le cycle de vie complet du machine learning

La nouvelle solution HPE Machine Learning (ML) Ops accélère le time-to-value de l'IA de quelques mois à quelques jours, et apporte la flexibilité DevOps dans le cycle de vie du modèle ML

Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) a annoncé aujourd'hui une solution software basée sur des containers, HPE ML Ops. Ce software prend en charge l'ensemble du cycle de vie du modèle machine learning, que ce soit on-premise, dans le cloud public ou dans le cloud hybride. La nouvelle solution introduit un processus de type DevOps pour standardiser les workflows de machine learning et accélérer la mise en œuvre de l'IA de quelques mois à quelques jours.

Vous pouvez lire le communiqué de presse complet ci-dessous.

The new HPE ML Ops solution extends the capabilities of the BlueData EPIC™ container software platform, providing data science teams with on-demand access to containerized environments for distributed AI / ML and analytics. BlueData was acquired by HPE in November 2018 to bolster its AI, analytics, and container offerings, and complements HPE’s Hybrid IT solutions and HPE Pointnext Services for enterprise AI deployments.

Enterprise AI adoption has more than doubled in the last four years (1), and organizations continue to invest significant time and resources in building machine learning and deep learning models for a wide range of AI use cases such as fraud detection, personalized medicine, and predictive customer analytics. However, the biggest challenge faced by technical professionals is operationalizing ML, also known as the “last mile,” to successfully deploy and manage these models, and unlock business value. According to Gartner, by 2021, at least 50 percent of machine learning projects will not be fully deployed due to lack of operationalization. (2)

HPE ML Ops transforms AI initiatives from experimentation and pilot projects to enterprise-grade operations and production by addressing the entire machine learning lifecycle from data preparation and model building, to training, deployment, monitoring, and collaboration.

“Only operational machine learning models deliver business value,” said Kumar Sreekanti, SVP and CTO, Hybrid IT at HPE. “And with HPE ML Ops, we provide the only enterprise-class solution to operationalize the end-to-end machine learning lifecycle for on-premises and hybrid cloud deployments. We’re bringing DevOps speed and agility to machine learning, delivering faster time-to-value for AI in the enterprise.”

“From retail to banking to manufacturing to healthcare and beyond, virtually all industries are adopting or investigating AI/ML to develop innovative products and services and gain a competitive edge. While most businesses are ramping up on the build and train phase of their AI/ML projects, they are struggling to operationalize the entire ML lifecycle from PoC to pilot to production deployment and monitoring,” said Ritu Jyoti, program vice president, Artificial Intelligence (AI) Strategies at IDC. “HPE is closing this gap by addressing the entire ML lifecycle with its container-based, platform-agnostic offering – to support a range of ML operational requirements, accelerate the overall time to insights, and drive superior business outcomes.”

“Our online games generate billions of data points every day,” says Alex Ryabov, head of Data Services at Wargaming. “Using complex ML models, our data scientists leverage this data for prescriptive analytics to improve our players’ experience, lifetime value, and loyalty. With HPE’s BlueData software, we’re containerizing these ML and analytics environments to help improve operational efficiency and optimize our business.”

With the HPE ML Ops solution, data science teams involved in building and deploying ML models can benefit from the industry’s most comprehensive operationalization and lifecycle management solution for enterprise AI:

  • Model Build: Pre-packaged, self-service sandbox environments for ML tools and data science notebooks
  • Model Training: Scalable training environments with secure access to data
  • Model Deployment: Flexible and rapid deployment with reproducibility
  • Model Monitoring: End-to-end visibility across the ML model lifecycle
  • Collaboration: Enable CI/CD workflows with code, model, and project repositories
  • Security and Control: Secure multi-tenancy with integration to enterprise authentication mechanisms
  • Hybrid Deployment: Support for on-premises, public cloud, or hybrid cloud

The HPE ML Ops solution works with a wide range of open source machine learning and deep learning frameworks including Keras, MXNet, PyTorch, and TensorFlow as well as commercial machine learning applications from ecosystem software partners such as Dataiku and H2O.ai.

"As a longtime partner with HPE Pointnext Services, we are very excited that BlueData is now part of HPE,” said Florian Douetteau, CEO of Dataiku. “At Dataiku, we strive to bring large-scale adoption of machine learning to all enterprises. The combination of Dataiku with HPE’s BlueData software will help our customers to successfully scale and operationalize their machine learning projects, delivering real impact for their business.”

To learn more about HPE ML Ops, please visit: hpe.com/info/MLOps


HPE ML Ops is generally available now as a software subscription, together with HPE Pointnext Services and customer support.

Additional Resources

(1) Source: Gartner, 2019 CIO Survey: CIOs Have Awoken to the Importance of AI, January 3 2019

(2) Source: Gartner, A Guidance Framework for Operationalizing Machine Learning for AI, October 24 2018.


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Hewlett Packard Enterprise (NYSE : HPE) est l’entreprise internationale à l’origine de la principale plateforme de edge-to-coud sous forme de service dont l’objectif est d’aider les organisations à accélérer leurs activités en exploitant la valeur de toutes leurs données, où qu'elles soient. S’appuyant sur des décennies consacrées à repenser l’avenir et à innover afin de faire progresser nos modes de vie et de travail, HPE propose des solutions technologiques uniques, ouvertes et intelligentes sous forme de service couvrant le calcul, le stockage, les logiciels, la périphérie intelligente, le calcul haute performance et les solutions critiques. Grâce à une expérience homogène dans tous les environnements cloud et périphériques, les solutions et services de HPE permettent aux clients de développer de nouveaux modèles économiques et modes d’engagement et d’améliorer leur performance opérationnelle. Pour plus d'informations, visitez : www.hpe.com.